This is a current listing of job announcements related to Statistics. To submit a job for posting please use the Statistics Job Submission Form. Please note that jobs are posted within 24hrs of submission. If you have any questions, comments, or need to make a correction regarding your job announcement, please contact
Associate Dean
Company Information
Ahmedabad University is a private, non-profit research university that offers students a liberal education focused on interdisciplinary learning and research thinking. Our liberal arts education moulds independent thinkers and compassionate leaders who go on to engage innovatively with the complex challenges of our societies. As a research university, we are committed to the discovery of new ideas, and to the belief that good theory results in good practice. Our academic environment offers students, researchers and faculty the opportunity to participate in a unique learning process, mediated by fieldwork and projects that enable
deep creative insight, rigorous analytical experimentation, and fulfilling careers. Ahmedabad University was established in 2009 by the Ahmedabad Education Society to offer a world-class academic experience in one of India’s most vibrant and livable cities. With a centrally located campus and internationally renowned faculty, it offers one of the most stimulating academic environments in the country. As a comprehensive university, Ahmedabad University offers undergraduate, graduate and doctoral studies in areas such as engineering, humanities, management, natural sciences, and social sciences.
The Bagchi School of Public Health builds on the unique strengths and focus of Ahmedabad University on interdisciplinary education to develop leaders who can offer contemporary interdisciplinary solutions, drawing from the Indian ethos, to address ongoing and unimagined challenges.
• Provide visionary leadership in planning and overseeing academic programmes, research, and other novel initiatives.
• Contribute to the recruitment and development of BSPH faculty and staff.
• Collaborate with faculty, staff, and internal and external stakeholders to promote interdisciplinary research and education and progress towards the institutional goals.
• Foster an inclusive and supportive environment for students, and personnel.
• Build partnerships; expand the School's impact locally, nationally, and globally.
• Represent the Bagchi School of Public Health within the University and in external professional networks.
• PhD or equivalent degree in a key public health discipline. A medical background will be an additional plus.
• Associate or Full Professor at a reputed public health institution.
• A distinguished record of scholarship, demonstrated excellence in higher education, research, or public health practice in a leadership capacity.
• A successful track record of securing external funding and impactful peer-reviewed publications.
• The ideal candidate should have experience both in India and abroad.