This is a current listing of job announcements related to Statistics. To submit a job for posting please use the Statistics Job Submission Form. Please note that jobs are posted within 24hrs of submission. If you have any questions, comments, or need to make a correction regarding your job announcement, please contact
Visiting Assistant Professor
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Connecticut College is a private, highly selective institution with a demonstrated commitment to outstanding faculty teaching and research. We recognize that intellectual vitality and diversity are inseparable. The College seeks creative scholars excited about working in a liberal arts setting, with its strong focus on engaged teaching, participation in shared governance, and active involvement in an institution-wide advancement of diversity, equity, and inclusion (AA/EOE).
The Connecticut College Department of Mathematics and Statistics invites applications for a
one-year Visiting Assistant Professor or Visiting Assistant Teaching Professor in Statistics for the academic year 2025-26.
The teaching load for the Visiting Assistant Professor position will be five courses, while the teaching load for the Visiting Assistant Teaching Professor position will be six courses during the 2025-26 academic year. Candidates will be expected to teach introductory and intermediate statistics courses. Courses will depend on the candidate’s interests and departmental needs and may include introductory statistics, regression techniques, statistical computing with R, probability, mathematical statistics, linear algebra, or more advanced statistics courses.
Applicants with a Ph.D. or ABD (All But Dissertation) in Statistics, Applied Mathematics, Mathematics, or a closely related field will be considered for the Visiting Assistant Professor position, with preference to applicants with a Ph.D. Applicants with a Masters degree in Statistics or a related field will be considered for the Visiting Assistant Teaching professor position.