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Postdoctoral Researcher

Company Information

The group of Dr. Jiwei Zhao ( at the University of Wisconsin-Madison is now inviting applications for a postdoctoral position.

Duties and Responsibilities

The candidate will receive balanced training in both methodological and interdisciplinary research. The candidate will have the flexibility to pursue methodological topics with Dr. Zhao’s ongoing areas of research or develop a new project with Dr. Zhao. The candidate will have plenty of opportunities to conduct interdisciplinary research with Dr. Zhao’s scientific collaborators at UW-Madison and elsewhere. The candidate will also have the opportunity to attend scientific conferences and meetings with Dr. Zhao’s support.

Dr. Zhao’s group has a collaborative, kind and inclusive culture, which allows everyone can do their best work. The overarching goal of this hire is to cultivate the candidate’s eventual independence and future career success. The group has high standards for rigor, quality, and ethics and group members help each other meet these requirements.

Position Qualifications

The candidate should have a PhD degree in Statistics, Biostatistics, or a related quantitative field. The following qualifications are not required, but highly valued: (a) strong background and training in statistical theory and methodology; (b) proficiency/experience in R-package development using computer languages such as C/C++ or Python; (c) excellent oral and written communication skills.