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This is a current listing of job announcements related to Statistics. To submit a job for posting please use the Statistics Job Submission Form. Please note that jobs are posted within 24hrs of submission. If you have any questions, comments, or need to make a correction regarding your job announcement, please contact

Visiting Assistant Professor of Statistics

Company Information

Carleton is a highly selective liberal arts college with a student body of approximately 2,000 located in the thriving two-college town of Northfield, Minnesota. Many faculty commute from the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul, whose greater metro area has a diverse population of three million people and a rich variety of cultural resources. Information about Carleton, Northfield, and the Twin Cities is available at

Duties and Responsibilities

The Carleton College Department of Mathematics and Statistics anticipates hiring a Visiting Assistant Professor in Statistics to begin September 1, 2025. This is a two-year appointment. Responsibilities include teaching six statistics courses per year (spread out over our calendar of three ten-week terms). The Department of Mathematics and Statistics resides in the Center for Mathematics and Computing, with excellent facilities including a dedicated statistics lab, recently updated classrooms, and a flexible space for working with students. The faculty is passionate about teaching and actively engaged in scholarship. The department, which includes five statisticians, offers a major in statistics and a new minor in statistics and data science. We offer unique undergraduate opportunities including research experiences and a statistical consulting class in which students work in teams on data analysis projects solicited from the local community. For further information about the department consult the Carleton mathematics and statistics website at

Position Qualifications

PhD in statistics, biostatistics or data science in hand or imminent completion by September 1 is preferred; a master’s degree is required. Candidates with a PhD in a closely related field may be considered, but they must have training in statistics and be proficient with the R statistical programming language. We are committed to developing our faculty to better reflect the diversity of our student body and American society. Members of underrepresented groups in statistics and mathematics, including women, gender-diverse individuals, and disabled individuals, are strongly encouraged to apply. As outlined in Carleton’s IDE plan, the college and our department are committed to fostering an inclusive, equitable, and antiracist community, and developing and supporting our faculty to better reflect the diversity of our student body and American society. We are particularly interested in applicants who can contribute to our continuing efforts to attract, support, and retain students from historically underserved groups along axes including but not limited to race, gender, disability, and class.