This is a current listing of job announcements related to Statistics. To submit a job for posting please use the Statistics Job Submission Form. Please note that jobs are posted within 24hrs of submission. If you have any questions, comments, or need to make a correction regarding your job announcement, please contact
Company Information
The Department of Statistics at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) is the specific Department within the company.
Teach relevant statistical analyses and applications for statistical analyses as directed by the Department while promoting srudent-involved student-centered research endeavors. As well as contributing to community service activities for the Univeraity of Hong Kong.
Applicants should have (i) a Ph.D. degree in statistics or a related field; and (ii) high-quality research output and a strong teaching track record. Applicants with international exposure / background are highly preferred.
Appointments will normally be made on contract basis for up to three years initially commencing in August 2025, which, subject to mutual agreement, may lead to longer-term appointment or substantiation later.