This is a current listing of job announcements related to Statistics. To submit a job for posting please use the Statistics Job Submission Form. Please note that jobs are posted within 24hrs of submission. If you have any questions, comments, or need to make a correction regarding your job announcement, please contact
Multiple Open Rank Faculty Positions in Statistics and Data Science (Assistant, Associate, and Full Professor levels)
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UT Dallas is a top public research university located in one of the nation’s fastest-growing metropolitan regions. Our seven schools offer more than 140 undergraduate and graduate programs, plus professional certificates and fast-track programs. Our student body is 30,000 strong, reflecting students from over 100 countries and a multiplicity of identities and experiences. Over 65% of our undergraduate students receive some form of need- or merit-based financial aid; and 66% of graduating seniors have no student debt compared to 48% in Texas and 32% in the nation (2021 TICAS report).
NSM has been a crucial anchor of UT Dallas; even before its beginnings in 1969. Its departments and research centers continue to play a vital role in the University’s transformation to one of the top research institutions in the United States. Asking fundamental questions about the universe and developing responsive tools for global dilemmas creates a powerful engine for our innovation and discovery. The School’s outstanding tenure track faculty are in areas ranging from the smallest nano-machines to the great cosmos. Its programs – several of which are highly ranked by US News and World Report – provide students with hands-on laboratory and project experience in frontier areas of fundamental and applied sciences that promise rich academic experiences and leading to exciting professional opportunities.
The Department of Mathematical Sciences has active research programs in several areas of Mathematics, Statistics, Data Science, and Actuarial Science. It has 32 tenure-stream faculty, and offers the following degree programs: BA, BS, MS and PhD in Mathematics, BS in Data Science, MS and PhD in Data Science and Statistics, BS and MS in Actuarial Science, BS in Biomedical Sciences, MS in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, plus Undergraduate and Graduate Certificates in Data Science and Undergraduate Certificate in Biomedical Data Analytics. The Department of Mathematical Sciences is a Center of Actuarial Excellence of the Society of Actuaries.
The Department of Mathematical Sciences in the School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics (NSM) at The University of Texas at Dallas invites applications for multiple tenure-stream faculty positions at the Assistant, Associate, and Full Professor level in Statistics and Data Science.
Demonstrate a commitment to teaching excellence;
Prepare and teach undergraduate and/or graduate classes;
Contribute assessment information and data as requested;
Mentor and/or advise undergraduate and/or graduate students;
Establish and/or continue an independent line of research;
Continue to expand professional influence in the academic discipline through research and/or publication;
Engage in service within the academic unit, the university, and the profession as appropriate based on teaching and research constraints;
Teach four (4) classes each academic year.
An earned Ph.D. degree in statistics, data science, or related areas, and a record of productivity and professional achievement. Successful candidates will have an outstanding record of research excellence with a strong likelihood of securing grants from federal agencies; a commitment to effective and engaging teaching at both undergraduate and graduate levels; and a commitment to mentoring students in the respective programs.