TA/GA Evaluation Form Graduate Assistant Evaluation Graduate Assistant Evaluation Graduate Assistant* First Last The student worked for me as*Select TitleTeaching AssistantGrading AssistantResearch AssistantOtherTerm of the Evaluation*Select TermFallSpringSummer ASummer BSummer CYear*Select Year2016201720182019For the following Courses or Grants Include the course number or a title and project number for each grant.Performance*Rate PerformanceExcellentSatisfactoryNeeds ImprovementUnsatisfactoryCompetency/knowledge and performance of assigned tasks:Punctuality*Rate PunctualityExcellentSatisfactoryNeeds ImprovementUnsatisfactoryPunctuality with established deadlines:Cooperation*Rate CooperationExcellentSatisfactoryNeeds ImprovementUnsatisfactoryCooperation with colleagues, faculty supervisor and students: CommentsPlease add comments or performance details as appropriate:Supervisor InformationPlease fill in your name and title as this is your electronic signature:Supervisor Name* First Last Supervisor Title CaptchaNameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.